おらしょ こころ旅

Registered asset


Urakami Kirishitan Museum

・The village of Urakami, located in the northern area of Nagasaki City, experienced two major events recorded in the pages of world history.
・One event was that the Christianity brought to Japan by the Jesuit Missionary Francisco Xavier saw a resurgence in Nagasaki after 250 years of severe persecution. After that, the last Christian persecutions started in various areas in Nagasaki Prefecture, including Urakami Yoban Kuzure (the fourth crackdown on hidden Christians in Urakami Village). However, Christians bravely stood up to fight those persecutions, eventually leading to the establishment of a constitution stipulating freedom of faith.
・Another event was that Nagasaki became the second city in history to suffer an atomic bombing. This event inflicted catastrophic damage on Urakami, but the village rose phoenix-like from the ashes.
・The Urakami Kirishitan Museum was established for the purpose of passing on the history of Urakami to future generations.

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