おらしょ こころ旅

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Father Torres Memorial Park

・Cosme de Torres, who was born in Valencia, Spain, traveled to Mexico in 1538 and then to the Philippines and India, where he encountered Francis Xavier, one of the founders of the Society of Jesus.
・Torres joined the Society of Jesus in Goa in 1548. On August 15, 1549, he, together with Father Xavier, landed at Kagoshima and started to propagate Christianity in Japan.
・Afterward, Torres conducted his missionary work in Goto, Hirado, Yamaguchi, Oita, Yokoseura, Takase, Omura, and Kuchinotsu. In 1568, he came to Shiki Island. His missionary work produced large numbers of Christians in Japan, where there had previously been none.
・On October 2, 1570, Torres died in Shiki Village in Amakusa, leaving the role of the head of missionary work in Japan to Francisco Cabral, who came to Amakusa Island in the same year.

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