おらしょ こころ旅

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Sotome Hidden Christian Cultural Material Museum

・The Sotome Hidden Christian Cultural Material Museum opened on March 19, 2017 as a facility to make known to the public the findings of research and study by the Sotome Culture Club, formed by residents in Sotome, concerning the history and cultural traditions of Hidden Christians in Sotome and its surrounding areas.
・This museum exhibits about 30 valuable items that have been passed down in the Sotome area over the generations. They include a Maria Kannon (a statue of the Virgin Mary disguised as a Buddhist Kannon) handed down to a descendant of Hidden Christians, a rosary that is believed to have been handed out to Hidden Christians by the Paris Foreign Mission Society during the second period of the propagation of Christianity, an Oratio (prayer book), and a Bastian calendar (ecclesiastical calendar).

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