おらしょ こころ旅

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Hidden Christian gravestone

・Due to strict religious control by the Edo Shogunate and the dominance of Buddhism, Buddhist stone pagodas were used as gravestones for Hidden Christians, on which their posthumous names were engraved.
・This gravestone was placed horizontally on the ground with no posthumous name. Because of its odd form, the gravestone was investigated by the Nagasaki Magistrate and ordered to be broken down, but it still survives today.
・Later, it became customary to place fieldstones horizontally upside down on the ground as gravestones for Hidden Christians.

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Senpuku Kirishitan

[Senpuku Kirishitan] Senpuku Kirishitan (hidden Christians) lived ostensibly as Buddhists during the ban on Christianity but secretly carried on their faith.

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  • Nagasaki


