・The Amakusa Rosary Museum is located near Oe Church built in 1933, by French missionary Father Garnier together with Christian followers.
・In Oe village, just like Sakitsu and Imatomi Villages in the Amakusa region, there were many Underground Christians. They came up with various tools for prayer to carry on practicing their faith in secret.
・A jar called “kyo keshi no tsubo” (sutra extinguishing jar) was used at a funeral, in which for the spirits of the deceased, the leader of Underground Christians chanted secret words in time to Buddhist sutra chanting in another room, to erase the effect of the sutras by chanting into the jar.
・The museum features the Maria Kannon (a statue of the Virgin Mary disguised as a Buddhist Kannon) with a cross drawn on the back and a reproduction of a secret room in which Underground Christians chanted Oratio (prayers), introducing the history of Underground Christians in the Amakusa region.