おらしょ こころ旅

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Nomichi Public Cemetery

・This public cemetery was established by Father de Rotz for the followers of Shitsu Church.
・It took about 10 years to complete the creation of the cemetery, because the many slopes on the land made construction work difficult. Followers voluntarily worked on the construction.
・Father de Rotz prepared his own grave at the center of the public cemetery, and placed a life-sized statue of Jesus, ordered from France, on his grave.
・Followers’ graves were made by simply piling up stones in the field. In recent years, most of those graves were newly renovated. However, in the graveyard for children on the top story, traditional graves made of loosely piled stones still survive today.

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Discovery of Hidden Christians

[Discovery of Hidden Christians] The Discovery of Hidden Christians is an event in which several Senpuku Kirishitans (hidden Christians) in Urakami confessed their faith to a priest for the first time in about 250 years, in 1865, even when the ban on Christianity had not yet been lifted. This historical event happened at the Oura Cathedral built in the foreign settlement of Nagasaki.

Marc Marie de Rotz

[Marc Marie de Rotz] Marc Marie de Rotz, a missionary of the Paris Foreign Missions Society, landed at Nagasaki as a diocesan bishop in 1868. After printing doctrinal books using lithography at Oura Cathedral, he was assigned as the parish priest of the Sotome area in 1879 and engaged in various welfare activities, including establishing an aid center. He also had a profound knowledge of architecture and was involved in the construction of Shitsu Church and Ono Church.

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  • Nagasaki



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