おらしょ こころ旅

Registered asset


Site of Kanayama Castle

・The site of Kanayama Castle, also known as Yuki Castle, is located on a hill five kilometers from Taira Port facing the Sea of Ariake.
・In the early 17th century, Jorge Yuki Yaheiji, as the Christian lord of Kanayama Castle, devoted his last days to his faith. The castle is also known as Yuki Castle, named after the castle lord.
・Yaheiji, born in Mino, was a devout Christian. When Konishi Yukinaga entered Higo Castle, Yaheiji, as the lord of Yabe Castle in Mashikigun, Higo Province, engaged in missionary work.
・After the Battle of Sekigahara, Yaheiji was invited as the lord of Kanayama Castle by Arima Harunobu. He built a church there and quietly lived by faith. In 1613, however, he was ousted by Arima Naozumi.

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