おらしょ こころ旅

Registered asset

Nothern Nagasaki Prefecture

Site of martyrdom “Yakiyama”

・There are two theories as to the origin of the placename “Yakiyama” (“burning mountain”). One theory has it that the location name came from the legend that Christians killed by the sword were thrown into a cave and set on fire in the cave. Another theory claims that a church was attacked and burned down, thus leading to the name.
・Yakiyama had become a sacred place for Underground Christians, and a church was constructed before the war. In 1983, a new church was built, in which “gozensama” (sacred objects) in the Sakaime area were gathered together and worshipped.
・This site represents the importance placed on a sacred forest.

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Kakure Kirishitan

[Kakure Kirishitan] Kakure Kirishitan (underground Christian) refers to those who did not return to Catholicism even after the lifting of the edicts banning Christianity in the 19th century but continued to follow the unique beliefs developed during the forbidden period.


[Martyrdom] Martyrdom is the act of choosing death and giving one's life to God rather than abandoning Christian faith and morals.

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