おらしょ こころ旅

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Nothern Nagasaki Prefecture

Site of martyrdom “Gaspar-sama” (Gaspar Nishi Genka)

・This is the place of the martyrdom of Nishi Genka (whose Christian name was Gaspar), who served as the leader of Christians on Ikitsuki Island after Christian feudal lord Koteda left the island.
・When caught by government officials, Nishi Genka asked that they be executed and buried at the site where a cross once stood. His request was granted, and he was beheaded on the morning of November 14, 1609 and buried by Christian followers.
・In the early Showa Era, there was a large pine tree called “the pine tree of Gaspar-sama” on Kurose-no-Tsuji hill, and at the foot of the pine tree lay an old piled stone grave. Underground Christians believed that it was the grave of Gaspar-sama and the place of his martyrdom, thus rendering the site a sacred place.

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Kakure Kirishitan

[Kakure Kirishitan] Kakure Kirishitan (underground Christian) refers to those who did not return to Catholicism even after the lifting of the edicts banning Christianity in the 19th century but continued to follow the unique beliefs developed during the forbidden period.


[Martyrdom] Martyrdom is the act of choosing death and giving one's life to God rather than abandoning Christian faith and morals.


[Baptism] Baptism is a Christian rite of admission and adoption into Christianity, and receiving a baptismal name (Christian name) such as "Mary" or "Francis."

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