おらしょ こころ旅

Registered asset

Nothern Nagasaki Prefecture

Site of martyrdom “Danjiku-sama”

・In Yamada Village lies Danjiku-sama (literally, “giant reeds”), which marks the site of the martyrdom of a Hidden Christian family. There are several Danjiku-ko (followers’ associations) in the Hikusa and Yamada areas.
・January 16 is thought to be the anniversary of the death of Danjiku-sama, and a memorial service is held on that day as a traditional event by Underground Christians in the Hikusa area. Many people working in the fishing industry also attend the event to pray for a good catch.
・One of the “Oratio” (prayer) songs sung at Underground Christian events in Yamada Village was the “song of Danjiku-sama.”
・This is a valuable location where events relating to Underground Christians can be seen in the open air.

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[Oratio] Oratio is a collective term for prayer chants of Latin/Portuguese origins introduced to Japan in the 16th century.

Kakure Kirishitan

[Kakure Kirishitan] Kakure Kirishitan (underground Christian) refers to those who did not return to Catholicism even after the lifting of the edicts banning Christianity in the 19th century but continued to follow the unique beliefs developed during the forbidden period.


[Martyrdom] Martyrdom is the act of choosing death and giving one's life to God rather than abandoning Christian faith and morals.

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