おらしょ こころ旅

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Jihei Rock Cave

・In the Edo Period, many Christians in the Sotome area continued to secretly maintain their faith, despite the harsh crackdown under the ban on Christianity.
・Japanese Father Thomas Jihei (also known as “Kintsuba Jihei”) went to Manila to escape persecution under the anti-Christian edicts, but later returned to Japan secretly. It is said that in 1637, he was caught and martyred for his faith in Nagasaki.
・It is said that Father Thomas Jihei used this rock cave as a hideout.

Related persons and terms(By hovering your mouse pointer over an item, explanation of the item are displayed.)


[Priest] A priest is one of the offices of the Catholic clergy; referred to as "Father." A parish priest is entrusted with the parish by the bishop. Depending on the size of the parish, the priest may be assisted by a curate.


[Martyrdom] Martyrdom is the act of choosing death and giving one's life to God rather than abandoning Christian faith and morals.


[Oppression] Repression is the suppression of an activity by a ruler through power. In the history of Christianity, repression refers to religious persecution using various means to compel people to quit or abandon their faith.

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  • Nagasaki


