おらしょ こころ旅

Registered asset


Site of Imamura execution ground

・In an era when Matsukura Shigemasa, the lord of the Shimabara domain, built Shimabara Castle, this place was used as an execution ground, where dangerous criminals were beheaded and their heads were displayed as a warning to others.
・Matsukura Shigemasa, who severely cracked down on Christianity, repeatedly executed many Christians, including Italian missionary and Father Navarro, and 56 followers in the Omura Domain.
・Due to the Catastrophe in Shimabara that occurred in 1792, this place was also buried, but it was reconstructed as an execution ground again and used until 1875.
・In October 1843, Ichikawa Taiboku, Kaku Saichiro and other domain doctors dissected the bodies of criminals executed here, which contributed to the development of medicine in Japan. The anatomical chart created by Ichikawa Taiboku has been kept as a cultural asset of Shimabara City in Hizen Shimabara Matsudaira Bunko in Shimabara Library, and its reproduction has been exhibited in Shimabara Castle Museum.

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