おらしょ こころ旅

Registered asset

Nothern Nagasaki Prefecture

Christian gravestones in the town of Higashi Sonogi

・The gravestone of low height on the left has a flower-cross design in the upper part, and the inscription “April, Genna 7, Ichinose Siyuan” in the lower part. Genna 7 (1621) was a time under the rule of Omura Suminobu, the third lord of the Omura Domain, which was mark by a tighter crackdown on Christians.
・The tall gravestone on the right bears an inscription of the Sanskrit character “hriiH” and the year “Kanei 20.” It seems to be a Buddhist gravestone. However, there is another theory that it can be regarded as a Christian gravestone by interpreting that the Sanskrit character “hriiH” looks like the profile of a woman offering prayers, representing the image of the Virgin Mary.

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