おらしょ こころ旅

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Goto Islands

Dozaki church

  • A church built in the Okuura district of Fukue island. During the Edo period, Hidden Christians migrated to Goto in groups from Sotome, and the Okuura district is the first area where they came and settled
  • Dozaki church is a full-scale, redbrick, gothic-style church.
  • A child welfare institution was built near the church for children who couldn’t be looked after by their parents. Today, it continues to possess the same ideals as when it was originally founded.
  • The church is now a museum displaying many items relating to the history of Christianity in Goto. These include items which held significance for the Hidden Christians.

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Kakure Kirishitan

[Kakure Kirishitan] Kakure Kirishitan (underground Christian) refers to those who did not return to Catholicism even after the lifting of the edicts banning Christianity in the 19th century but continued to follow the unique beliefs developed during the forbidden period.

Discovery of Hidden Christians

[Discovery of Hidden Christians] The Discovery of Hidden Christians is an event in which several Senpuku Kirishitans (hidden Christians) in Urakami confessed their faith to a priest for the first time in about 250 years, in 1865, even when the ban on Christianity had not yet been lifted. This historical event happened at the Oura Cathedral built in the foreign settlement of Nagasaki.

Senpuku Kirishitan

[Senpuku Kirishitan] Senpuku Kirishitan (hidden Christians) lived ostensibly as Buddhists during the ban on Christianity but secretly carried on their faith.

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Articles related to this asset

  • Goto Islands

    The first Christmas Mass

    During the Edo period, many Hidden Christians from Sotome crossed the ocean and settled in the Okuura district of Fukue. This was the beginning of the resurrection of the Christian faith in Goto.

  • Goto Islands

    A redbrick church situated on a cape

    Dozaki church is beautifully situated on a cape, and in former times a conch shell was blown to announce that Mass was starting.

  • Goto Islands

    A child welfare institution on Goto

    Children whose parents could not afford to raise them were cared for and brought up by women living on Goto. Today, the institution which was formed continues to retain its original ideals.

  • Goto Islands



  • Goto Islands



  • Goto Islands



  • Goto Islands



  • Goto Islands



  • Nagasaki

    An event which inspired Christians everywhere

    Today, churches dedicated to the 26 martyrs can be found in several different countries. An event which faded from Japanese history became famous throughout the world.

  • Goto Islands

    Understanding Changes in Church Architecture

    Tetsukawa Yosuke, a key figure in many instances of religious architecture, took on the challenges of building new kinds of churches while overcoming various obstacles involved in the process.

  • Goto Islands


