おらしょ こころ旅

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Goto Islands

Doinoura Church Calisto Museum

• The Calisto Museum, attached to Doinoura Church on Wakamatsu Island, exhibits Christian-related materials and relics centering on the Wakamatsu area from the Sempuku Kirishitan (Hidden Christian) period in the 1600s, to the Kakure Kirishitan (Underground Christian) period.
• Exhibits include a cross and a sacred statue contained in a wooden box and an Oratio (prayer book), and are all very valuable materials secretly handed down by Christians from generation to generation. It is interesting to see that the “Abalone shell” on display suggests harvests from the sea were regarded as objects of veneration in those days.
• This museum, named after the missionary Calisto, who was martyred for his faith on Wakamatsu Island, gives visitors a flavor of how missionaries and local Christians persisted in their faith.

Related persons and terms(By hovering your mouse pointer over an item, explanation of the item are displayed.)


[Oratio] Oratio is a collective term for prayer chants of Latin/Portuguese origins introduced to Japan in the 16th century.


[Martyrdom] Martyrdom is the act of choosing death and giving one's life to God rather than abandoning Christian faith and morals.

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