おらしょ こころ旅

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Believed site of Arima Seminário

・In 1580, Japan’s first Jesuit primary education institution or Seminário (seminary) was founded in the castle town for Hinoe Castle (Arima) and in Azuchi (Shiga Prefecture), based on the missionary policy of Alessandro Valignano who came to Japan as a Jesuit visitor.
・The Seminário in Arima was operated until early 1587, and after its integration with the Seminário in Azuchi, it was moved to Hachirao, Kazusa, Arie, and Nagasaki in the Arima domain. Because of changes in the situation surrounding Christianity, the Seminário was founded again in Arima in 1601 and operated until 1612. This is the believed site of Arima Seminário, which was set up until 1612.
・The Seminário produced many Japanese Christians who played an active role in foreign countries, including the Tensho embassy to Europe.
・The Seminário contributed to the cultural fusion of east and west, making the Arima domain a hub of Christian missions. The site of the Seminário serves as an important symbol of educational and cultural exchange between Japan and Europe during the Age of Exploration.

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