おらしょ こころ旅

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Adam Arakawa Memorial Park

・After Father García Garcés, a missionary stationed in Shiki, was ousted from the country because of the ban on Christianity issued in 1613, Adam Arakawa took care of the church and the followers on his behalf.
・In 1614, however, Adam Arakawa was arrested by Tomioka Castle guardian Kawamura Shiroemon, and was executed after cruel persecution.
・The execution of Adam Arakawa was recorded in the 1614 annual report of the Society of Jesus and other documents.
・In 2007, Adam Arakawa was approved as a Beato of the Catholic Church by the Pope.
・In 2008, a beatification ceremony was held in Nagasaki City. In 2009, a memorial festival for martyrs was held on a large scale by the Kyushu headquarters of the Catholic Church on the site of the Demaru (small tower) of Tomioka Castle.

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