おらしょ こころ旅


Goto Islands Inherited sceneryStories on the church

Goto stone as a way of life

Nagasaki is an area with a strong culture of quarrying as a means of livelihood. The high-quality Goto stone that was used to build Kashiragashima church is used elsewhere for paving slabs and walls.


  • 崎浦の赤尾集落の建物。外壁の腰には高さ6尺(1.8m)もある板石が張られている。板石を壁に立て掛け、船釘のような太い釘で留め付けられている。「腰板石」と名付けられた。

  • 築60年ほどの家が連なり、家の下が石によってぐるりと囲われた独特の家屋。腰板石より上は板壁であるが、昔は杉皮が張られていた。

  • 庭の敷石も五島石。母屋には鍵の手に牛小屋が附属する。この牛小屋は北からの海風を防ぐ役割も果たす。その右手が住居。赤尾集落の家はほとんどがこのような間取りになっている。

The unique landscapes created by Goto stone

In the eastern part of the cross-shaped island of Nakadorishima in Kamigoto lie seams of Goto stone, perfect for making stone slabs for paving. These seams mostly produce sandstone which is easy to carve, and from the end of the Edo era through into the Meiji era (roughly from 1830-80) the quarrying of exposed Goto sandstone from the seashore thrived. Known as “Goto ishi” (Goto stone) the material was used for paving and walls, and the lower foundations, or wainscots, of houses. In the villages of the Sakiura area, the unique townscapes, formed by Goto stone as it has blended with local ways of life, are still visible today: maze-like narrow winding roads, high stone walls, and houses with foundations of 5-6 cm thick slabs of rock. Without a single airway, these foundations appear to have been built for keeping out animals. The harvests of Satsuma-imo (sweet potatoes) were stored under the floorboards in “imogama” (potato cellars) so protection would be needed from damage by animals. Also, it’s possible that in order to control temperature and humidity, wainscots such as these were employed. On top of these uses, Goto stone was also used to make millstones, paving for gardens, and water tanks for fire prevention. These village scenes that reflect Goto stone’s wide-ranging employment have received much acclaim, and in 2012 were designated an important cultural landscape of Japan.

A church constructed from strong Goto stone

Goto stone, amongst all sandstones, is shot through with grey-blue streaks, and was used to build many buildings in Nagasaki’s foreign settlement, including the “Oranda-zaka” (Dutchman’s slope) and the Glover residence. Because it is a form of sandstone, it is easy to use, and it has the ability to absorb moisture. Also, because it is not easily damaged by fire, it is perfect for the construction of kilns and so forth. As a result of this, the sandstone from this region is known for its high quality in standing the test of time without alteration or developing moss. In a different location, the Akao region, the stone is used to make sarcophagi.

In the coastal village of Tomosumi on Kashiragashima, slabs of Goto rock are used even in the narrow alleyways, and old ones broken in half and reused in stone walls. Naturally, Kashiragashima Church is also constructed out of this local stone. Only through the use of this high quality material, combined with local culture, could such an incredible stone church be created.


  • ここの腰板石は、人の背丈ほどの高さ!

  • 風化が少ないとても質の良い石が使用されている。




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  • Nothern Nagasaki Prefecture

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  • Nagasaki

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  • Nagasaki

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  • Nagasaki

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  • Nagasaki

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  • Nagasaki

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  • Nagasaki

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  • Nagasaki

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  • Nagasaki

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  • Nagasaki

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  • Nagasaki

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  • Nagasaki

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  • Nothern Nagasaki Prefecture

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  • Nothern Nagasaki Prefecture

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  • Nothern Nagasaki Prefecture

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  • Nothern Nagasaki Prefecture

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  • Nothern Nagasaki Prefecture

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  • Goto Islands

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  • Goto Islands

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  • Goto Islands

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  • Goto Islands

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  • Goto Islands

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  • Goto Islands

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  • Goto Islands

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  • Shimabara/Amakusa

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  • Nothern Nagasaki Prefecture

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  • Nothern Nagasaki Prefecture

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  • Nothern Nagasaki Prefecture

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  • Goto Islands

    The reason behind Kashiragashima’s stone church.

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  • Goto Islands

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  • Goto Islands

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  • Nagasaki

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  • Goto Islands

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  • Goto Islands

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  • Goto Islands

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  • Shimabara/Amakusa

    A symbol of the Christian faith's resurrection in Amakusa

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  • Shimabara/Amakusa

    A Japanese fishing village with a European atmosphere

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  • Shimabara/Amakusa

    The remains of an orphanage that were discovered deep in the mountains

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  • Shimabara/Amakusa

    A faith inherited from one’s parents

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  • Nagasaki



  • Nagasaki



  • Nagasaki



  • Nagasaki



  • Nagasaki



  • Nagasaki



  • Nagasaki



  • Nagasaki



  • Nagasaki



  • Nagasaki



  • Nagasaki



  • Nagasaki



  • Nagasaki



  • Nagasaki



  • Nagasaki



  • Goto Islands



  • Nothern Nagasaki Prefecture



  • Goto Islands



  • Nothern Nagasaki Prefecture



  • Goto Islands



  • Goto Islands



  • Nagasaki



  • Goto Islands



  • Nothern Nagasaki Prefecture



  • Nagasaki



  • Nothern Nagasaki Prefecture

    キリシタンを守った!? 三界萬霊塔


  • Nagasaki



  • Nagasaki



  • Shimabara/Amakusa



  • Nagasaki



  • Goto Islands



  • Nothern Nagasaki Prefecture



  • Nothern Nagasaki Prefecture



  • Nothern Nagasaki Prefecture



  • Nothern Nagasaki Prefecture



  • Nothern Nagasaki Prefecture



  • Center of Nagasaki Prefecture/Western Nagasaki Prefecture



  • Shimabara/Amakusa



  • Shimabara/Amakusa



  • Shimabara/Amakusa



  • Shimabara/Amakusa



  • Nothern Nagasaki Prefecture


